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Banjara's Multani Mitti Face Pack Powder (5*20gms)


Multani Mitti or Fuller’s earth, a magical clay from Multan, is a quintessential Indian beauty staple for clean, bright and refreshed skin. A potent clay, with healing properties, it draws out excess oil and dirt that clogs pores, gives an even skin tone, and tightens skin.

How to use:

Take desired quantity of Multani mitti and mix with rose water, lemon juice, curd or any hydrant of choice. Apply all over face and neck. Leave to dry, Wash off with Luke warm water. Pat dry.

Why you will love it:

  • Pure Multani mitti powder, can be used as it is or mixed with fresh fruits or other ingredients to enhance potency.

  • Keeps skin hydrated and nourished.

  • Evens out skin tone, refreshes pores from deep within.

  • Massages skin tissue, prevents premature ageing and occurrence of fine lines.


관련 상품

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