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Aashirvaad Whole Wheat Atta

At AASHIRVAAD, extra care is taken to keep things as natural as possible. The way Mother Nature intended for them to be. In our quest to provide you wholesome goodness, whole wheat grains are sourced, directly from the farmers.

AASHIRVAAD Whole Wheat Atta was launched on 27th May 2002 and now has become the number one in branded packaged atta across the country.

AASHIRVAAD Whole Wheat Atta is made from the grains which are heavy on the palm, golden amber in colour and hard in bite. It is carefully ground using modern 'chakki - grinding' process which ensures that AASHIRVAAD Atta contains 0% Maida and is 100% Sampoorna Atta. Thus we ensure you get superior chakki atta, through our 4 Step Advantage process of sourcing, cleaning, grinding and nutrition lockage.

By ensuring that all the nutrients of the grain stay intact and protected in our packaging, we deliver the freshness of the fields combined with the power of the whole wheat.

The dough made from AASHIRVAAD Atta absorbs more water, hence rotis remain softer for longer. This means you serve soft, fluffy rotis to your family which powers them through their day!

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