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Just Organik Organic Sona Masoori White Rice



Organic Sona Masoori Rice - Just Organik's Sona Masoori rice is one of the healthiest choices among the range of rice grains. White in color, the rice is medium grained, aromatic, lightweight and low in starch when compared to other varieties of rices. Sona Masoori is best suited for daily needs as the calorie content in it is minimal as compared to other popular varieties of rice. This also makes it ideal for people who want to maintain their weight.

Easy to cook: A result of the cross combination of Indian varieties Sona and Masoori (Mahsuri), the rice has a rich, delicate and slight starchy flavor. It is one of the easy-to-cook and easy-to-digest rice varieties.

Various Recipes:  Sona Masoori Rice is an integral part of the South Indian cuisine. With its delicate flavor, Sona Masoori is the best choice for preparing coconut rice, steamed rice, idlis, pongal, fried rice etc. Steamed Sona Masoori rice may also be used with various curries and other soups.

Organically cultivated in the certified organic farms, Just Organik ensures that the rice served in your plates is 100% free of chemicals and pesticides.

About the Brand: Just Organik stands for just and ethical supplies of organic products. We sanitize the whole process, right from promoting sustainable farming practices to making healthy food items more accessible to people. Just Organik products are chemical free and are certified as per India Organic, USDA and EU standards. Trusted by 10,000+ customers,  most of our products are available in all the major Premium stores in India as well exported across many countries across the world.


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