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Ustraa De-Tan Face Mask - Tan Removal for Oily Skin


About De-Tan Face Mask - Tan Removal for Oily Skin - 125 g

This is a face mask designed to remove tanning and even out the skin tone. Skin that gets affected by prolonged sun exposure, pollution, and other irritants tends to gather impurities from the atmosphere which in the long run affects the skin and enhances aging. This mask helps to remove those impurities from the face and keep the face looking fairer, younger and healthier. It also helps in excess oil removal. It is not a peel-off mask, so it can be washed away with water only.

Features of De-Tan Face Mask - Tan Removal for Oily Skin - 125 g

  • De-tanning & Hydration: With Kaolin Clay and Olive Oil.
  • Cleanses and Balances Oil: Charcoal and volcanic ash help exfoliate the skin, brighten it and help in absorbing excess oil.
  • Reduce Sun and Age Spots: Helps lighten discolorations of the skin and also keeps pores clean with Glycolic Acid.

How To Use De-Tan Face Mask - Tan Removal for Oily Skin - 125 g

  • Clean your face with Face Wash and towel dry your face.
  • Apply the clay all over the face to form a film.
  • Let it dry out for 5-7 minutes and wash off.

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