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Monsoon Harvest Gluten Free & Vegan Crunchy Granola Bars (Cranberry & Orange)

원래 가격 $6.90
현재 가격 $5.50
These all-natural baked millet granola snack bars are made with 100% whole grain rolled oats, and locally grown millets and baked to crunchy perfection. These energy bars are gently flavored with real cranberries and orange. These healthy bars are gluten-free and vegan. These vegan granola snack bars can be used at any time of the day as a pick me up. The box contains 6 packs of bars

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  • $1.80

    24 만트라 유기농 참깨 바

    이 건강하고 영양가 높은 간식은 풍부한 에너지 원이며 독특한 맛을 지니고 있습니다. 볶은 참깨와 순수한 꿀로 만든이 완전 자연 간식은 젊은이와 노인 모두에게 완벽한 보충제입니다.

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