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Sattviko Waterlily Super Pops-Mint

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Makhana Superfood Story
Makhana or Waterlily Pops grown in the eastern part of India is an Ayurvedic Superfood that has been consumed in India for thousands of years due to its extremely high nutritional value. Considered as a Indian Superfood, makhana or foxnut packs really great natural benefits
-Source of Calcium and protein
-Contains Kaempferol, which has anti aging properties
-Source of Antioxidants
-Ideal Mid-Meal Snack for Weight Loss
-Boost Muscle Care, Strengthen Bones and promotes Heart Health"Makhana Superfood Story
Makhana or Waterlily Pops grown in the eastern part of India is an Ayurvedic Superfood that has been consumed in India for thousands of years due to its extremely high nutritional value. Considered as a Indian Superfood, makhana or foxnut packs really great natural benefits
-Source of Calcium and protein
-Contains Kaempferol, which has anti aging properties
-Source of Antioxidants
-Ideal Mid-Meal Snack for Weight Loss
-Boost Muscle Care, Strengthen Bones and promotes Heart Health"