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Naagin Original Hot Sauce

원래 가격 $8.35
현재 가격 $4.17


Naagin Original Indian Hot Sauce brings together the best of spicy flavours from Western India, featuring the Sankeshwari Chilli from Kolhapur District, Maharashtra.

This chilli, often used along with the popular Lavingi Mirch, is one of the main reasons why Kolhapuri food is spicier than the rest of Maharashtra. The Sankeshwari Chilli measures between 70,000 and 1,00,000 SHU on the Scoville Heat Scale. This makes it 9-12 times spicier than the average Jalapeno pepper!

Sankeshwari may be the humble workhorse of the chilli pepper world, but not anymore. Naagin Original brings out its subtle flavours while remaining versatile and family friendly for all ages!

Naagin Original Indian Hot Sauce is the ideal accompaniment to a wide variety of foods – samosas, pakodas, fries, burgers, momos, hot dogs, idlis, dosas and much, much more!

It also works great as an ingredient in all kinds of marinades, soups, sauces and dressings.


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