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24 Mantra Cold Pressed Safflower Oil


Safflower oil, as the name suggests, is a form of oil that is extracted from the seeds of the safflower plant. As safflower oil contains high amounts of polyunsaturated fats, it helps in creation of prostaglandins in the individual's body. These hormone-like compounds aid in strengthening the cell membranes and also in the proper functioning of the body. Brown fat is present in several areas of the body which is a major factor that aids in burning calories. The cis-linoleic acid present in safflower oil gets converted into gamma linolenic acid (gla) that triggers the brown fat to burn calories. Therefore, people who are looking for ways to lose weight as well as maintain their weight should include safflower oil in their regular diet. Apart from this, safflower oil is also said to strengthen the immune system of the body, increasing its resistance power against certain infections and diseases.


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