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24 Mantra Cold Pressed Sesame Oil

Cold pressed sesame oil from 24 Mantra organic lets you enjoy the most delectable flavours without compromising on your health. Derived from sesame seeds, sesame oil has been used as a flavour enhancer since ancient times in southern Asia. The rich presence of antioxidants and polyunsaturated fats helps to control blood pressure levels. It is also rich in vitamin e which plays a major role in reducing blood cholesterol in the body. Sesame also contains magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and other minerals that help maintaining strength and vitality of the body. 24 Mantra organics cold pressed sunflower oil contains no chemical substances and has been double filtered to retain purity and natural health benefits.

관련 상품

  • $17.00

    24 Mantra Cold Pressed Safflower Oil

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  • $7.60

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