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24 Mantra Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil

24 Mantra Cold Pressed Sunflower oils are the source of energy, essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins in our diet. sunflower seeds contain high amount of oil (40–50%).sunflower oil is the fourth most used oil in the world. sunflower oil is more stable than many other vegetable oils and is used in food preparation. Cold pressed oils have come into focus these days for their health benefits. Unlike refined oil they are not exposed to high temperatures and there is no chemical added. It has about 90% unsaturated fatty acids and 10% saturated fatty acids. Sunflower oil is rich in mono- (mufa) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (pufa). Sunflower oil is a rich source of phytosterols which have several potential health benefits. In general, a diet rich in vegetable oils helps prevent heart disease. Sunflower oil is light in taste and is a good source of vitamin E whatever the benefits fats and oils offer it is still wise to use them in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.

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