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Banjara's Brahmi Hair Care Powder (5*20gms)


Banjara's Brahmi is a medicinal and therapeutic herb used extensively in Ayurveda to cleanse, and improve nutritional consciousness of the system. Used for hair, it rejuvenates the scalp, and it’s compounds form protective layers around hair follicles, making it denser and thicker.

How to use:

Hair oil: Gently heat and stir in Brahmi powder in hair oil of choice, till the essence of bhrami is fully absorbed and the oil becomes fragrant. Massage in circular motions or use as desired.

Hair mask: Mix with other ingredients of choice or by itself with lemon juice or curd and apply all over from root to tip. Leave for 30 mins and wash with a gentle hair cleanser.

Why you will love it:

  • Brahmi has rasayanas or compounds that induce shine and increase circulation thereby promoting hair growth, and decreasing hair loss.

  • Reduces dryness and moisturizes the scalp, addresses itchiness and flakiness.

  • Grow your hair long and strong, the Brahmi way!


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