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Just Organik Organic Barnyard Millet Flour


Lower Glycemic Index Millet Flour: Just Organik Barnyard Millet Four is produced by finely grinding Barnyard Millet from our Organic farms in Uttarakhand. It has a lower glycemic index compared to rice and wheat. The fiber rich composition ensures easy digestion and boosts digestive health.

Protein rich: The flour is Gluten free and rich in Proteins. It is also an abundant source of Dietary fiber which aids digestion.

Kid friendly meal option: The Barnyard millet can be given as porridge or Kheer to babies between 6-8 months and as cheela, dosa, idlis for babies above one year and toddlers. Barnyard Millet is a wonder food for kids as the delicious grain plays a vital role in a child’s growth and development.

Fiber rich and nutritive: Barnyard Millet, while being a Protein and Fiber rich flour, also serves as the best help when cooking. Such crops need to be savoured as well as protected. It is rich in Vitamins and is productive using the best farming practices.

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