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Just Organik Organic Besan (Gram) Flour


Organic Chana Besan: The popular Chana Besan Flour is made from Chana dal, a versatile, gluten-free flour that is rich in protein.

High Nutritive Value: Chana Besan Flour is rich in nutrition. It contains Folic Acid, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Fibre, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, Calcium and Sodium. Besan is a popular culinary ingredient and is widely used in making the scrumptious Indian pakodas or fritters.

Manufactured using Sustainable Practices: Just Organik emphasises on producing nutritive food through sustainable processes. In this stride, Chana Besan  is free from harsh additives, is a non GMO vegan product, environmentally friendly and is made by grinding, drying and de-husking de-cuticled split brown chickpea. It is a complement to cereal-based diets rich in protein, especially for the poor and developing countries where people are vegetarians or are unable to afford animal protein. The pulse proteins are lysine-rich and have low amino acid-containing sulphur.

Health Booster: Besan has a high percentage of carbohydrates, a higher percentage of fiber than other pulses, no gluten, and a higher percentage of protein than other pulses. It is as popular as basic wheat in India and is used in different Indian recipes such as ‘besan ke laddu’, bhajia, pakode, paratha, curry, etc. Gram is also used in the manufacture of sweat plates and in the preparation of instant mixes available on the market. Additionally, it gives infants and nursing mothers the most realistic way of eradicating protein malnutrition.


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