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에너지 바, 견과류 및 건조 과일

  • ...에서 $7.60

    24 Mantra 유기 전체 캐슈 너트

    24 Mantra는 견딜 수없는 유기농 전체 캐슈를 제공합니다. 이 중독성 뭉크는 훌륭한 간식으로도 사용됩니다. 이 유기농 캐슈는 달콤한 요리의 맛을 향상시키면서 그레이비에게 풍부함을 제공합니다. 이 24 Mantra 제품은 추가 된 요리에 자연스러운 맛을 더합...

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    ...에서 $7.60
  • $1.80

    24 만트라 유기농 땅콩 (땅콩) 바

    땅콩 재거 바가 가장 인기가 있습니다. 건강에 좋은 간식이며 에너지 바라고 부를 수 있습니다. 땅콩 재거 바는 에너지가 필요하거나 달콤한 것을 느끼는 경우 완벽한 간식입니다. 24 Mantra 유기농 땅콩 재거 바는 유기농 땅콩과 유기농 재거를 사용하여 만듭니다...

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  • $11.10

    그냥 Organik 유기농 호박 씨앗

    실제로 씨앗은 많은 건강에 유익한 비타민, 미네랄, 항산화 제 및 트립토판 및 글루타메이트와 같은 필수 아미노산의 농축 공급원입니다. 생 커널은 건강한 간식으로 즐길 수 있습니다. 통째로 구울 때 전체 씨앗을 즐길 수 있습니다. 또한, 커널은 소금에 절이거나 달...

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  • $8.50

    Just Organik Organic Sunflower Seeds

    100% Organic : Free from Chemicals, Pesticides and GMO's Just Organik's Sweet, nutty sunflower seeds are an excellent source of essential fatty ac...

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  • $1.80

    24 만트라 유기농 참깨 바

    이 건강하고 영양가 높은 간식은 풍부한 에너지 원이며 독특한 맛을 지니고 있습니다. 볶은 참깨와 순수한 꿀로 만든이 완전 자연 간식은 젊은이와 노인 모두에게 완벽한 보충제입니다.

  • ...에서 $2.60

    Jabsons Roasted Peanut Khari Sing With Skin

    – JABSONS Premium quality Bharuchi Peanuts, are slowly “Clay Roasted” peanuts that fulfill your cravings and give you more than empty calories.– Pe...

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    ...에서 $2.60
  • $8.60

    Praakritik Organic Black Raisins

    Sun dried organic black grapes are a sweet, low fat, low calorie treat. If you trying to reduce your intake of processed food or added sugar, Grape...

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  • $15.25

    Praakritik Organic California Almonds

    In addition to the nutty flavour and texture, Almonds are considered to be a healthy snack. In every handful there is energy-giving protein and hun...

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  • $3.00

    Sattviko Paan Raisin

    -Superfruit Raisin with Paan Flavour - The punch of Paan with benefit of liquorice / mulethi and raisin will make you forget the saunf mouth fre...

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  • $3.80

    Jabsons Mahabaleshwar Roasted Chana (Lightly salted without skin) 400g

    Lightly salted Roasted Chana without skin.Chickpeas contain protein, potassium, fiber, and vitamins C and B6 – all of which support heart health.Ki...

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  • $2.30

    Jabsons Nimboo Pudina Chana 150g

    Roasted Nimboo Pudina Chana with skin is an ever-popular anytime snack that can fulfill your cravings. Enjoy the fresh texture and vibrant burst of...

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  • $3.50

    Jabsosn Mahabaleshwar Roasted Chana (lightly salted with skin) 400g

    – JABSONS Mahabaleshwar Black Salted chana Packed with essential nutrients like protein, fiber, and iron, these chickpeas offer a healthy snacking ...

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  • $5.10

    Jabsons Roasted Peanut Khari Sing Coconut water Flavour 400g

    – JABSONS Dry Roasted Coconut water-flavoured peanuts are a delicious tea-time or anytime snack.– Perfect for Navratri and other fasting occasions,...

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  • 원래 가격 $11.90
    현재 가격 $9.50

    Monsoon Harvest Gluten Free Nuts & Seeds Bar (Dark Chocolate & Sea Salt)

    These are all-natural highly nutritious nut bars made of whole nuts, seeds & bound together by dark chocolate with a hint of sea salt. This en...

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    원래 가격 $11.90
    현재 가격 $9.50
  • $2.30

    Jabsons Roasted Chilli Garlic Peanut 140g

    – JABSONS Chilly Garlic Flavor Peanuts are seasoned to perfection, delivering a mouthwatering blend of spices.– Made from the finest quality peanut...

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  • Buy 2 Save 15%

    Jabsons Peri Peri Cashew Nuts 100g

    Experience the bold and spicy flavors of our Cashew Peri Peri. Made from all-natural ingredients, these cashews are coated in a fiery blend of herb...

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  • ...에서 $4.35

    Jabsons Salted Roasted Cashew Nuts

    – Enjoy guilt-free snacking with JABSONS non-fried cashews, which are a healthier alternative to fried snacks.– We source only the finest cashews t...

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    ...에서 $4.35
  • Buy 2 Save 15%

    Jabsons Peanut Gud Laddu 210g

    – Made from the finest quality peanuts and 100% natural Jaggery, JABSONS Laddus are a wholesome treat.– The natural sweetness of Jaggery complement...

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  • $2.30

    Jabsons Turmeric & Pepper Roasted Chana 140g

    – Savor the vibrant and earthy flavors of turmeric paired with a hint of spicy black pepper in JABSONS Chana Pack. – Turmeric is known for its pote...

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  • $6.90

    Praakritik Organic Green Raisins

    Praakritik Raisins are sundried grapes. They indeed are rich and concentrated sources of energy, vitamins, electrolytes, and minerals. Use it bake ...

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  • $4.60

    Jabsons Mahabaleshwar Roasted Chana (Unsalted with Skin) 400g

    – Experience JABSONS pure, unadulterated taste of chickpeas with Unsalted Chana. – We believe in keeping it simple – no added flavors, just the goo...

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  • $3.50

    Bob's Red Mill Peanut Butter Coconut & Oats Bob's Bar

    A little sweet, a little unexpected, a lot delicious: our Peanut Butter Coconut & Oats Bob's Bar is made with peanut butter, whole grain oats, ...

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  • $4.60

    Jabsons Mahabaleshwar Roasted Chana (Turmeric) 400g

    – Savor the vibrant and earthy flavors of turmeric paired with a hint of spicy black pepper in JABSONS Chana Pack. – Turmeric is known for its pote...

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  • $2.30

    Jabsons Hot & Spicy Roasted chana 140g

     Savor JABSONS explosive combination of hot and spicy seasonings that make Chana (chickpeas) an unforgettable taste experience. – Get ready for a f...

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