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Jabsosn Mahabaleshwar Roasted Black Chana (lightly salted with skin) 400g


– JABSONS Mahabaleshwar Black Salted chana Packed with essential nutrients like protein, fiber, and iron, these chickpeas offer a healthy snacking option.
– Discover JABSONS bold, dark color and robust flavor that sets Mahabaleshwar Black Salted Chana apart from regular chickpeas.
– JABSONS Mahabaleshwar Black Salted Chana is carefully selected and processed to maintain its freshness and quality.
– Use these chickpeas in a variety of dishes, from curries and soups to salads and snacks – the options are endless.
– Benefit from the antioxidants found in JABSONS Mahabaleshwar Black Salted Chickpeas, known to promote overall health and well-being.
– No Transfat, No artificial color or flavour & Gluten free.


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