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Just Organik Organic Red Rice Poha


Red Rice Poha: This is a healthier version of the regular poha and is made from red rice. The red colour in Red Rice is owing to the presence of a pigment called anthocyanin. It is a storehouse of minerals, vitamins and essential nutrients; which keeps the body fitter and healthier.

Nutritive Value: Red Rice Poha is highly recommended because of its high nutritive value. Red Rice Poha contains dietary fiber that aids in weight loss. It is easily digestible and rich in Iron, healthy carbohydrates and essential calories. Red rice, with its low glycemic index is miraculous for those with obesity, pre-diabetes, diabetes and even a heart condition.

Manufacturing Process: Just Organik focuses on producing nutritive food through sustainable processes. Red Rice Poha too is free from harsh additives, is a non GMO vegan product and environmentally friendly. It is made in a very simple way, by first par-boiling the red rice and pounding it to remove husk and flattening it. Then the beaten rice is left to dry in the sun, to produce the needed Red Rice Poha.

Red Rice Poha is a wholesome food, prized for its nutritive and therapeutic properties. It is a good Probiotic and is also a suggested meal for diabetic patients as it keeps the blood sugar under control. Red Rice Poha has anthocyanin that is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It is known to alleviate the risk of allergies, cancer and promote healthy weight loss. Being rich in Manganese, Magnesium, Calcium and Selenium, it helps to build strong bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Additionally, Red Rice Poha also aids in preventing Migraine and improving metabolism. It is also good for the gut health and helps in the smooth functioning of the digestive system.


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