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Praakritik Organic Granola Jumbo Rolled Oats (Cranberry)


High Fibre, High protein
Organic Roasted Seeds & Nuts Cranberry Jumbo Rolled Oats

This handcrafted, tasty roasted mix is a good source of high fibre, high protein. Dried berry will lend a fruity sweetness and roasted nuts and seeds will enhance its sweet components. It is also high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. A great source for your healthy breakfast or your evening snack.
Serving Suggestion : In a medium saucepan, bring 1 cup of water to boil. Add roasted mix to it and cook on a lower-medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Once it becomes tender and water is absorbed fully, turn off the heat. Add milk of your choice immediately to the cooked oats and mix it well, add honey to a serving bowl as per your taste. You may have it cold, with yogurt or milk with dash of honey / jaggery powder.
It’s the on-the-go snack. It’s perfect for traveling, taking to work, or just having on hand when healthy snack options aren’t available.
Ingredients : Organic Jumbo Rolled Oats, Organic Cranberry, Organic Almonds, Organic Cashews, Organic Green Raisins, Organic Pumpkin seeds, Organic Sesame seeds.


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