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24 Mantra Organic 7 Grain Methi Atta


Packed with proteins, fibers, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, vitamin b6, phosphorous, and many essential phytonutrients, fenugreek is a power pack of health benefits. Good for effective diabetes management consuming 5-50 grams of fenugreek on a daily basis helps control blood sugar levels and effectively manage type 2-diabetes. Fenugreek slows down the absorption of sugar and stimulates insulin thereby improving overall bodily functions and controlling blood sugar irregularities. Helps control cholesterol consuming fenugreek on a daily basis is one of the best natural methods of reducing cholesterol in the bloodstream and preventing various associated health risks like heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis. A rich source of dietary fiber, fenugreek is highly beneficial for reducing low-density lipoprotein (ldl cholesterol) levels. Help prevent digestive disorders fenugreek is also good for keeping various digestive problems like constipation, upset stomach, and inflammation at bay.
